The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 10, No 1

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FDI developments in the Romanian economy.

Maria Muresan, Oana Chindris-Vasioiu


Since 1990, Romania was in a permanent process of metamorphosis and became one of the most important emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe investitutii FDI receivers. In this sense, the model followed in terms of investments and preferred industries suffered following the successive changes during evolution of business in Romania. Romania, with competitive manufacturing costs and high levels of productivity, itself represented a real opportunity for the issuing of foreign investors seeking high returns through the implementation of export-oriented productive activities in proximity to the border with the European Union, and today even the European single market. In recent years foreign investors have realized that Romania is a mature market and strong consumer and investment have driven the trend towards mass consumption by developing projects mainly in services, ICT, research and development and technological innovation. As one of the largest European markets, Romania offers great opportunities in terms of market, both in size and the population, providing investors with a significant market potential. Factors which caused direct investments have been positive momentum in Europe, availability of material and human resources, low labor costs and, after long grinding, legislation.

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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