Unity and diversity in the Romanian law concerning the administrative and territorial organization in the interwar period
Marilena-Oana Nedelea
The evolution and development of the administrative principles that marked the interwar period were influenced by the following normative acts: the Law for administrative unification from June 24th 1924, the Law for the organization of the local administration from August 3rd 1929, the Law no. 569 from March 21st 1936, the Administrative law from August 14th 1938. The current public administration wants to be a product of tradition, of the Romanian history. Thus the Romanian legislator showed in the exposition of the reasons in the Project of the local public administration law from 1991, that he had taken into consideration the administrative experience acquired until the end of the third decade: laws from 1952, 1929 and 1936 and the elements of comparative law in the outlining of the local public administration organization.
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