The role of commercial banks from Romania in the attraction of structural funds
Corina Berica
In this paper I wish to highlight the position of commercial banks from Romania in the absorption of European funds. Providing the financial resources necessary in order to carry out the project activities is one of the problems that many users have experienced. Being aware of this matter, but also constrained by governmental requirements, most banks have decided to introduce such credit facilities as well in their loan portfolio. As far as information dissemination and advertising are concerned, commercial banks have proven to occupy a leading position, but most important are the performance levels achieved by them since they started accessing these Structural Funds. In this paper I will present the funding opportunities in the field of European funds offered by two large leading banks: types of credits, benefits, commissions, statistics and even successful projects to which they are partners. Each bank has its own marketing strategy to promote these products, but over time one can notice that they are becoming increasingly interested in these grants, while the bank personnel is involved as a target group in various European programs. The interest of the banking system in supporting grants recipients can be noticeable even form the project writing phase of the project, when the banks offer financial advice in determining the estimate budget. With all the help from commercial banks, Romania has managed to achieve a rate of Structural Funds absorption of only 10%, which is outrun even Bulgaria.
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