The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 12, No 1(15) (2012)

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Ramona Florina Popescu, Emilia Ungureanu


The article presents the results of a larger research made with the purpose to discover the best ways of attenuating socio-economical inequities from the rural environment at regional level, having as a start point the analysis of some relevant criteria and indicators. The present article, which is continuing a series of articles on the same subject, presents the communes classification from the region considering the disparity degree and particularities of the disparities attenuation scenarios. The particularities are of economical, demographical and social nature and try to reflect the basic needs of the communities. Also, for each commune category (the communes are included into three clusters, depending on the level of disparities, form the highest level – cluster one, to the lowest level – cluster three), we motivate the opportunity of applying a scenario or another, following the main objective of disparity reduction at rural level. The results of this research allowed us to have a picture not only of the developing level of the region at rural level, but also the needs of each category of communes (as divided in clusters). The non-unitary approach is considered to be more efficient in putting into practice the economic and social measures at regional level.

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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