Performance of human resources (HR) is a key factor for the success of organisations. More than that, the human resources themselves are the bricks of the organisation, and the healthier the individuals are, the healthier the organisation is. The last century has brought major and revolutionary changes in the daily life rhythm. All these have affected the personal and professional life of the employees. All of us are– more or less – under the pressure of physical and psychical stressor at our workplaces, and we are developing conscious or unconscious responses to them. Stress is treated nowadays as an occupational health issue (Cox, 2000, p. 21), being related with the wellbeing of the employees and organizations. The paper will analyse the stress sources of the employees of a large retail store from Balti, Republic of Moldova. The research had as aim to identify the main stressors that are affecting the employees and to estimate their impact on the current performance. As well, we have proposed an empiric method for calculate the intensity of different stressors, for establishing the most powerful ones. We assume that the findings (above the specificity of each organisation) are available for similar organizations from retail sector. Behind the general picture of stress sources within the company, the paper could deliver information regarding the importance of such stress diagnosis that could be used as a management tool for improving the human resources performance.
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