The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 15, No 3 (2015)

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The impact of Romania’s adhesion to European Union over the local business within ICT field

Laurian Gabriel Tanasescu


Romania’s adhesion to European Union has been a long process, carried out for almost fifteen years, and which enjoyed in great measure the support of Romania’s people. As happened to the other Member States, which adhered to European Union after 1990, a decrease in popularity of the European Union took place after the adhesion moment.

The adhesion to European Union have had a negative impact for sure over some activity fields (the mining field that suffered significant restructuring and reorganization, for instance) and an indubitable positive impact over some other field (for instance, the trade or support services providing met within high international companies).

The field of Information and Communications Technologies (abbreviated as ICT) emphasizes that field having an extremely high dynamics on worldwide level, were the changes and readjustments have been very fast. For this reason, an analysis on this field referring to “what if we hadn’t adhered to EU” can be extremely difficult to be carried out, since it is impossible to build a hypothetical scenario (that regarding the non-adhesion), and the analysis parameters might be highly sophisticated. The paper work in the field proposes an analysis over the already existing situation and the impact reflected after the adhesion to European Union.

The analysis has been carried out on two levels (both the normative and the available financing, respectively), especially from the SMEs point of view, with activity on the ITC field. 

The results of analysis have proven a major impact on both levels. The impact is certainly a positive one, since it has been quite difficult to identify negative parts of the adhesion to European Union from this point of view. 

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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