Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to research the influence of organizational culture upon knowledge transfer within organizations. The paper structure provides first the conceptualization of organizational culture and afterwards some evidences from real practice about how it influences the individuals work and collaboration. Organizational culture has become a subject of research in management sciences in the 80s. Culture is based on the beliefs, values and behaviors deemed appropriate by its members. Culture can cause by employees leaving the organization or it can make them behave consistently with distinction. In a world where technology is moving that fast, you just can’t stay in one place, you have to develop and evolve. Here is where the knowledge management can influence the organizational culture. Starting with this idea in mind, we elaborated a questionnaire with 20 questions which was filled by 108 AIESEC members from 14 cities from Romania. Throughout this questionnaire we will argue the interdependence between knowledge management and organizational culture. There are some statements that we researched during this survey. The final part of the paper provides concluding remarks and recommendations.
Key words: organizational culture, knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing, knowledge management.
JEL classification: M10, M12, M21.
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